Seven Warning Signs You’re Outgrowing Your Kirkland Home

Seven Warning Signs You’re Outgrowing Your Kirkland Home

  • Kathryn Lister
  • 10/19/22

When you first bought your Kirkland home, you might’ve wondered how you would ever fill up the new space. However, after several years in one location, families can accumulate possessions that fill spare rooms and closets until they’re bursting at the seams. If you can identify with all or most of the warning signs below, it might be time for you to reach out to a Kirkland realtor and start looking for a home that will provide more space.

Your needs have changed over time

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Perhaps you bought your home when it was just you and your spouse. You now have children and pets, and it seems like there’s not enough space for everyone to comfortably stretch out. Maybe your children are sharing a room, or perhaps your home office is now set up in the corner of the living room or your bedroom because you can’t fit a desk and chair anywhere else. This is a real concern as more people begin to have more work-from-home days or take jobs that are fully remote. All of these events can be signs that it’s time to contact a Kirkland realtor and look for a home with extra space.

You crave extra storage space

You know you’re running out of space when rooms start serving multiple purposes. Maybe your living room doubles as your children’s playroom, and you’re always stepping over books or blocks as you make your way through. Perhaps you have to rent out a separate off-site storage unit because your garage is full and you cannot park one or both of your cars in it. Inside the house, if you have to use your full body weight to shut a closet door rather than simply pushing it closed, you know you need more space!

You can’t entertain large groups of people

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If you love to host but don’t have enough space to comfortably seat all of your family and friends, perhaps it’s time to shop for a new home. Maybe you have enough room for everyone to gather in separate spaces like the living room and the dining room, but you would prefer to have everyone gather together and engage in a conversation in the same room. Further, having a larger home with a guest room will mean that visitors won’t have to spend the night on a sleeper sofa or air mattress in the living room.

You have to create a bathroom schedule

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Fans of the hit TV show “The Big Bang Theory” will envision Sheldon and his crazy bathroom schedule, but this has nothing to do with personal preferences. If you have multiple children or family members sharing the same bathroom, this can become a major inconvenience. It could result in people being late for work or school because they had to wait for the bathroom to become available so that they could get ready. In more urgent situations, someone may have to drive to a local convenience store or fast-food restaurant to avoid an accident!

You’re always looking for storage hacks

If you search the web for storage hacks, you’ll find plenty of helpful tips. However, there are only so many things you can do to maximize the limited space in a home. You may reach a point where you can’t add more drawers under the beds and all of the closets’ shelves are completely full. If your garage or backyard shed cannot hold another storage box, it might be time to start looking for another home.

You plan annual garage sales

If you have too much stuff and not enough space, you may be holding frequent garage sales to get rid of things you don’t need or want anymore. However, if you fall back into old habits after you clear space, it won’t take long before your home feels packed and cluttered again. If you feel like you can never clear enough space, perhaps you’re better off upgrading to a home that will provide more square footage to hold all of your essential items.

You can afford an upgrade

There’s a good chance your income has changed since you bought your current home. After you moved in, you built equity in the home. And you have likely been saving money on a regular basis or moved up in your career to a better-paying role. All of these advances put you in a prime position to upgrade to a larger home. Don’t think of a larger home as a luxury that isn’t essential. It’s a reward for your hard work and an invitation to a more comfortable and functional space for your family to enjoy. Further, a larger home is a great way to build wealth over time.

Ready to start looking? Many people find it easier to shop for a new home when they work with a qualified real estate agent who understands the local market and takes the time to listen to their needs. Kathryn Lister has effectively helped many clients sell their existing home and upgrade to a larger one. She has twenty years of experience working in the Kirkland real estate market and prides herself on providing the highest levels of value and service. When you’re ready to take the next step, contact Kathryn.

*Header photo courtesy of Kathryn Lister

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