Randy & Shiela James

Randy & Shiela James

  • Kathryn Lister
  • 11/16/21
"It is not often one returns so many times to the same source, but, we have now used Kathryn several times to either help us purchase or sell a home. 
Kathryn recently "dazzled" us once again.  She found a home for us to buy on short notice five years ago and has now helped us sell the same home recently. 
Kathryn is one of those unique individuals that are able to please both the buyer and seller.
She goes out of her way to assure all parties are professionally treated and works hard to make sure the sale is completed on time. 
Her approach is personal and thorough.  We couldn't be happier with her efforts."
Randy & Shiela James

Work With Kathryn

Kathryn has become an unparalleled asset and advisor for her clients. She would absolutely love to work with you!